License Defense For Chiropractors
Chiropractor License Defense
Do you need to consult with an attorney regarding your chiropractic license or other professional licensing matter? Call (512) 829-5619 to schedule a free consultation with a professional license attorney.
If you're a chiropractor who has been contacted by the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners (OBCE) about a possible chiropractic license violation, please contact our law office.
Being investigated by the OBCE is nothing to take lightly, even if it seems as if the allegation or complaint doesn’t have merit. The ensuing license defense process can take a toll on you, and potentially impact your ability to continue to practice as a chiropractor.
Possible disciplinary actions imposed by the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners (OBCE) can include: letter of concern, letter of reprimand, civil penalty, probation (with conditions), Emergency Suspension Order, voluntary surrender of license, license suspension, and/or license revocation.
The common complaints against chiropractors include the following:
- violation of the rules and laws regarding chiropractic practice
- failure to follow minimum standards of chiropractic practice
- unlicensed practice
- boundary violations
- unprofessional conduct or inappropriate behavior
- sexual misconduct
- failure to complete continuing education requirements
- expired chiropractic license
One of the primary areas of our law practice is professional license defense. We can be with you every step of the way – from investigation to final resolution – helping to ensure the best outcome for your situation.
If you have questions about the process of defending your chiropractor license, please call (512) 829-5619 or e-mail
Please make note: We provide legal services for chiropractors in Oregon, Washington, and Texas.
Please note: Kevin Keaney provides legal help for nurses in Texas who need to defend their professional licenses, as well as chiropractors and other healthcare professionals.