License Defense For Dentists
Dental License Defense
Do you need to consult with an attorney regarding your dental license or other professional licensing matter? Call (512) 829-5619 to schedule a free consultation with a professional license attorney.
If someone has filed a complaint against you with the State Board of Dentistry, there could be serious consequences which could impact your dental practice for years to come.
The professional license defense process can be complex and emotionally draining, and isn’t something that you should undertake without an experienced license defense attorney.
Oregon Board of Dentistry Sanctions and Penalties
The Oregon Board of Dentistry, which is the governing body that oversees dentists, can impose a variety of sanctions against a dentist, including:
- fines of up to $5,000 per violation
- probation
- limitations on a license
- license suspension
- license revocation
Peer Review Process For Dentists
In Oregon, complaints that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Oregon State Board of Dentistry can be filled with the Oregon Dental Association. Typically, once someone files a complaint with the Oregon Dental Association, the case is assigned to a Peer Review Committee, which appoints a dentist as a mediator. If a resolution can’t be reached through mediation, the case moves to a full peer review committee hearing.
The most common complaints filed against dentists (through the State Board or the Oregon Dental Association) include:
- negligence
- incompetence
- infection control violations
- improper advertising
- fee sharing
- fraud
- substance abuse (addiction to alcohol or prescription or non-prescription drugs)
- unlicensed practice
- conviction of a crime
Questions about the dental license defense process? We would be happy to answer them in a free legal consultation. Please call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail
Please note: Kevin Keaney provides legal help for nurses in Texas who need to defend their professional licenses, as well as dentists and other healthcare professionals!