License Defense For Massage Therapists
Massage Therapist License Defense
Do you need to consult with an attorney regarding your massage therapist license or other professional licensing matter? Call (512) 829-5619 to schedule a free consultation with a professional license attorney.
If you have been contacted by the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists about a complaint or allegation, we can provide legal services for you in defending your massage therapy license.
Anyone can file a complaint against a massage therapist – a client, a co-worker, or an employer. Once that complaint has been alleged, it sets in motion a process that can have a serious impact on your job, your career, and your ability to continue to practice massage therapy.
After the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists conducts an investigation, if the state board decides that there’s cause for discipline, those sanctions can include: reprimand, financial penalties, ethics protocol, probation, suspension of your license, and/or revocation of your license.
Common complaints against massage therapists include the following:
- violations of the rules or statutes governing massage therapy, as set forth by the Massage Therapist Board
- inappropriate conduct
- ethical violations
- sexual misconduct
- improper care
- expired massage therapy license
- failure to complete continuing education requirements
As an experienced license defense attorney, Kevin Keaney can be with you every step of the way, advising you of your legal rights, and helping to ensure the most positive outcome.
For questions about the process of defending your massage therapist license, please call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail
Note: We provide legal assistance for massage therapists in Oregon, Washington, and Texas.
Please note: Kevin Keaney provides legal help for nurses in Texas who need to defend their professional licenses, as well as massage therapists and other healthcare professionals!